Days 621 & 622. Newhaven to Rudgwick

June 23rd & 24th. 52km

Neither of us slept particularly well in Dieppe. So many thoughts running through our heads about the end of our trip, returning to England and a building excitement about seeing friends and family again. We’d had a great evening and a good dinner in a restaurant by the harbour, making the most of our last meal in France. The ferry was at 11:00 o’clock the next morning, we were awake with plenty of time, unfortunately with grey skies outside the window. First job was a run down to the boulangerie for fresh croissants for brekkie, before packing up to leave. Our panniers were light as we’d chucked out a load of stuff – cooking oil, our dirty travel towels, holey socks and lots of other random bits and pieces that we didn’t need and weren’t nostalgic about. We did replace that weight on the way to the ferry with a couple of bottles of French wine and some saucisson to take home with us. We crossed the bridge and rode around the harbour to get to the ferry port, and were soon boarding the boat which was to take us over to Newhaven.

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